You wake up one morning... to the sounds of loud horrifying shrieks and the occasional gunshot. You immideatly get out of bed and look out the window in horror.
You have 2 choices....
[[See if you're family is okay. ->P 2]]
[[Go back to sleep and hope its a dream. ->P 3]]
You look around for you're family but once you find them you realize the dangers of the outside. You remember the crawl space which you and only you know about you decide to.....
[[Take you're family to the crawl space to keep them safe. -> P4]]
[[Take you're family to another safe space because you don't want to loose your crawl space. -> P6]]You go back to bed praying it was just a dream but wake up to the loud crahses and shaking of you're apartment. You have one option.
[[ You go outside and see what's happening. -> P5]]
You get in the crawl space with the rest of you're family and you start to head foot steps and a loud crash.. someone has gotten into the apartment.You have 2 options...
[[Wait it out.. -> P8]]
[[You go check it out.. ->P10]]You take you're family to the nearest closet... but someone busts open the door and looks everywhere for people who may be hiding. They open the closet and take you and you're famiy away... everything goes dark. You wake up in a truck, and realize the Natzi's have taken you hostage. You have two choices...
[[ You wake up you're family to see if everyone is okay. ->P11]]
[[You let them sleep because you don't know what terrors await and get some sleep too. ->P14]]You go outside and see what's happening.. you immediatly feel a sharp pain in your head and the world goes dark.. you suffered a blow to the head... you waited too long to do anything.. going back to bed was a major mistake.
GAME OVERYou wait it out for about and hour or two and immediatly pack up you're things and make a get away plan... you have 2 choices
[[Go to America -> P12]]
[[Go to a neighbors -> P13]]You check it out and suffer a blow to the head by the solider. You had a annurism an hour later and passed away.
YOU LOOSEYou wake up you're family and realize where your heading "the gas chambers.." you think to yourself. You and you're family make a run for it. You run as long and as fast as you can. As you're running you encounter an American soldier.. he takes you back to his camp and he get's you to safety. You and you're family start you're new lives in America.
YOU WINYou pack as much food and water and clothing as possible and head on for the long journey.. This journey to America was a smart decision.. you make the journey and start a new life!!
YOU WINYou go to you're neighbors and as they let you in you feel the whole building shake.. you think to yourself "oh no" and realize its being bombed. You realize a second to late and the building collapses with you and your family inside...
YOU LOOSEYou wake up only to find yourself in a gas chamber... its too late the gas has started to come in.